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Sony Reader Software Download Old Version Updated FREE

Sony Reader Software Download Old Version

Line of e-volume readers manufactured past Sony

Sony Reader Family unit
Sony Reader logo.svg
Manufacturer Sony
Series PRS-T3
Availability by region September viii, 2013
Predecessor PRS-T2
Form factor Slate
Mass 5.nine oz (167 grand)
Operating system Custom version of Android (device); Microsoft Windows, Apple tree Mac Bone Ten (client software)
Memory 2 GiB
Removable storage SDHC Up to 32 GiB
Battery Lithium-ion
Information inputs Touchscreen
Display 600×800 px,
170 dpi resolution,
6" diagonal,
sixteen- level grayscale
E-Ink electronic paper
Connectivity USB 2.0

The Sony Reader was a line of east-book readers manufactured by Sony, who produced the outset commercial E Ink e-reader with the Sony Librie in 2004.[1] Information technology used an electronic newspaper display developed by E Ink Corporation, was viewable in direct sunlight, required no power to maintain a static epitome, and was usable in portrait or landscape orientation.

Sony sold east-books for the Reader from the Sony eBook Library in the Usa, UK, Japan, Germany, Republic of austria, Canada and was reported to exist coming to France, Italy and Espana starting in early 2012.[ii] The Reader also could brandish Adobe PDFs, ePub format, RSS newsfeeds, JPEGs, and Sony's proprietary BBeB ("BroadBand eBook") format. Some Readers could play MP3 and unencrypted AAC audio files.

Compatibility with Adobe digital rights management (DRM) protected PDF and ePub files allowed Sony Reader owners to infringe ebooks from lending libraries in many countries.[3]

The DRM rules of the Reader immune any purchased e-volume to be read on upwards to 6 devices, at least i of which must be a personal computer running Windows or Mac OS 10. Although the owner could non share purchased eBooks on others' devices and accounts, the power to register five Readers to a single business relationship and share books appropriately was a possible workaround.

On Baronial 1, 2014, Sony appear that information technology would not make another consumer e-reader.[four] In late 2014, Sony released the Sony Digital Paper DPTS1 - which only views PDFs and has a stylus for making notes - aimed at professional business users.[5]

Models and availability [edit]

X models were produced. The PRS-500 (PRS standing for Portable Reader Arrangement) was made available in the United states of america in September 2006. On ane November 2006, Readers went on display and for sale at Borders bookstores throughout the United states of america. Borders had an exclusive contract for the Reader until the cease of 2006. From April 2007, Sony Reader has been sold in the US by multiple merchants, including Fry's Electronics, Costco, Borders and Best Buy. The eBook Store from Sony is but available to US or Canadian residents or to customers who purchased a U.s.a.-model reader with bundled eBook Store credit.

On July 24, 2007, Sony appear that the PRS-505 Reader would be available in the Uk with a launch date of September 3, 2008. Waterstone's is the official retail partner and the Reader is available at selected stores such as Argos, Sony Centres and Dixons; while a red edition is available exclusively from John Lewis.

On Oct two, 2008 the PRS-700, with bear upon screen and congenital-in lighting was announced.

On August 5, 2009 Sony appear ii new readers, the budget PRS-300 Pocket Edition and the more than advanced PRS-600 Touch Edition.[6]

On August 25, 2009 Sony appear the Reader PRS-900 "Daily Edition."[7] This features a 7" diagonal screen to compete with the Amazon Kindle DX. It's as well the first to characteristic free 3G wireless through AT&T to access the Sony eBookstore without the need of a estimator, and to increase the grayscale level, from viii to xvi.

On September 1, 2010, Sony introduced the PRS-350 Pocket Edition, PRS-650 Affect Edition, PRS-950 "Daily Edition" equally replacements for the PRS-300, PRS-600 and PRS-900, with both new models featuring 16-level greyness scale affect screens. The launch of the new models also represented the introduction of the Sony Reader into the Australian and New Zealand markets for the starting time time.[8]

On Baronial 31, 2011, Sony announced a new reader replacing all of their previous models, the PRS-T1, featuring a 6" screen.[9]

On August 16, 2012, Sony announced the PRS-T1 successor, the PRS-T2.[x]

On September 4, 2013, Sony announced the PRS-T2 successor, the PRS-T3. Unlike previous Sony reader models, the T3 is not sold in the US, and Sony has abandoned the North American market due to contest from Amazon, B&N and Kobo.[11]

On February 6, 2014, Sony announced that information technology was endmost its North American, Europe, and Australia Reader Stores in tardily March, migrating all its customers to the Kobo Reader Store.[12]

On Baronial 1, 2014, Sony announced that it would not release another ereader merely would keep selling its remaining stock.

2013 Model (Discontinued in August 2014) [edit]

Reader Wi-Fi PRS-T3S [edit]

The PRS-T3S is the latest 6", Wi-Fi only model. Announced in October 2013 in Japan, it is a PRS-T3 without a comprehend that costs $99 and was sold in Nihon, England, Canada and Deutschland.

Reader Wi-Fi PRS-T3 [edit]

The PRS-T3 is a 6", Wi-Fi only model with a snap cover.


  • Size: 160 × 109 × 11.3 mm
  • Weight: 200 grams including snap embrace
  • Display:
    • size: fifteen.two cm (half-dozen in) diagonal (approx 14 surface area of letter-sized folio).
    • resolution: 16-level grayness scale
    • half dozen" Pearl Hard disk E Ink screen 1024 x 758 pixel resolution
  • Retentiveness: ii GiB of internal storage (i.iii GiB bachelor to use) plus microSD expansion of up to 32 GB
  • Battery Life: 6–8 weeks, assuming xxx minutes reading per day
  • Connectivity: Micro-USB
  • PC interface: USB port
  • Supported due east-volume formats: EPUB, PDF, FB2, TXT
  • Supported picture formats: BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG
  • Wireless: Wi-Fi 802.eleven b, chiliad, n, uncomplicated Spider web browser
  • Colors: Black (Matte), Red (Glossy) and White (Glossy)

2012 Model (Discontinued belatedly 2013) [edit]

Reader Wi-Fi PRS-T2 [edit]

The PRS-T2 is a 6" Wi-Fi merely model. Its touchscreen supports zoom in and out, dictionary and adding notes, including export to Evernote. The device has two English languages and 4 translation dictionaries built-in.

PRS-T2 specifications.

  • Size: 173 × 110 × nine.i mm
  • Weight: 164 g
  • Brandish:
    • size: xv.2 cm (half-dozen in) diagonal (approx 1/iv area of letter-sized folio)
    • resolution: 16-level gray scale Eastward Ink Pearl brandish
    • portrait: × 122.4 mm (3.57" × 4.82"), 600 × 800 pixels | effective 115.iv × 88.2 mm (4.54 × 3.47 in), 754 × 584 pixels
    • minimum font size: vi pt legible, seven pt recommended
  • Memory: two GB of internal storage (ane.three GB available to use) plus microSD expansion of up to 32 GB
  • Battery Life: Up to ii months with Wi-Fi off
  • Lithium-ion battery: upwards to two months bombardment life, with wireless off (on reading ane/2h per day).
  • Connectivity: Micro-USB
  • PC interface: USB port
  • Supported e-book formats: EPUB, PDF, TXT, BBeB*, Rtf*, Doc* (*After conversion with Sony software)
  • Supported moving picture formats: Jpg, Gif, Png, Bmp.
  • Wireless: Wi-Fi, simple web browser.
  • Colors: Black (Matte), Red (Glossy) and White (Glossy).

2011 Model (Discontinued tardily 2012) [edit]

Reader Wi-Fi PRS-T1 [edit]

The PRS-T1 is a half-dozen", Wi-Fi only model. Its touchscreen supports zoom in and out, wait up in dictionary and adding notes. Up to 16 different languages are supported.

PRS-T1 specifications

  • Size: 173 x 110 10 8.9 mm
  • Weight: 168 g
  • Display:
    • size: 15.5 cm (six in) diagonal (approx ane4 area of letter-sized folio)
    • resolution: 16-level gray calibration E Ink Pearl display
    • portrait: ninety.6 x 122.iv mm (three.57" 10 4.82"), 600 x 800 pixels | effective 88.ii 10 115.4 mm (3.47" ten 4.54"), 584 x 754 pixels
    • minimum font size: half-dozen pt legible, 7 pt recommended
  • Retentiveness: 2 GB of internal storage (i.4 GB available to utilise) plus microSD expansion of up to 32 GB.
  • Lithium-ion bombardment, up to one month per charge.
  • PC interface: USB port
  • Supported e-volume formats: EPUB, PDF, TXT.
  • Supported audio formats: MP3, AAC.
  • Wireless: Wi-Fi, unproblematic web browser.
  • Colors: Blackness, Red and White.

2010 Models (Discontinued belatedly 2011) [edit]

Pocket Edition PRS-350 [edit]

The PRS-350 was launched in August 2010 and it is too known equally the "Pocket Edition". The PRS-350 was appear at the same time as the impact-screen PRS-650. It is Sony'southward smallest ereader equally well as its entry-level device replacing the PRS-300 and information technology is priced at U.s.$179. It has a touch screen, and ii GB of Memory only lacks an SD Card Slot and does not support MP3 playback.

PRS-350 specifications

  • Size: 145 × 104.3 × 8.5mm
  • Weight: 155 grand
  • Brandish: 5 inch. Due east Ink Pearl, touch-screen, grey scale 16-levels
  • Resolution 600 × 800 pixels
  • Certificate Search Capability
  • Built in flash memory: 2 GB
  • Font Size: half dozen sizes (XS - XXL)
  • Supported e-volume formats: EPUB, PDF, Microsoft Word, TXT, RTF, BBeB
  • How-do-you-do-speed micro USB
  • Color: Pink, Silvery, Blue, Ruddy, Black

Touch Edition PRS-650 [edit]

The PRS-650 was launched in August 2010 and it is also known equally the "Touch Edition". The PRS-650 was announced at the same time as the bear on-screen PRS-350. It is Sony's mid-range device, priced at U.s.a.$229. As the replacement for the PRS-600 model, it is Sony'southward college-scale, touch-screen edition of the reader. It has a similar interface to the PRS-350.

PRS-650 specifications

  • Size: 168 × 118.8 × 9.6mm
  • Weight: 215 g
  • Brandish: 6 inch. E Ink Pearl, affect-screen, grayness scale 16-levels
  • Resolution 600 × 800 pixels
  • Document Search Capability
  • Built in wink retentivity: ii GB
  • SD card slot
  • Memory Stick PRO Duo slot
  • Font Size: half dozen sizes (XS - XXL)
  • Supported e-book formats: EPUB, PDF, Microsoft Word, TXT, RTF, BBeB
  • Supported audio formats: MP3, AAC
  • Available case colors:
    • PRS-650BC: Black
    • PRS-650SC: Silverish
    • PRS-650RC: Red

Daily Edition PRS-950 [edit]

The PRS-950 was launched in August 2010 replacing the PRS-900 and it is also known as the "Daily Edition". It was introduced as Sony'due south top-of-the-line device, priced at US$299. The device has a larger display (7"), 16-levels of grayscale, touch screen Wi-Fi and 3G wireless admission (through AT&T Mobility in a manner similar to the Kindle's whispernet) which enables calculator-free admission to the Sony eBookstore in the United States. Similar earlier Sony Readers the brandish can be oriented horizontally, enabling a landscape style style, and adds a new mode displaying two portrait-style pages side-past-side (in a like fashion to viewing a book).

PRS-950 specifications

  • Size: 199.ix × 128 × 9.6mm
  • Weight: 272 g
  • Display: seven inch. E Ink Pearl, touch-screen, grey scale 16-levels
  • Resolution 600 × 1024 pixels
  • Document Search Capability
  • Built in flash retentivity: ii GB
  • SD card slot
  • Retentiveness Stick PRO Duo slot
  • Font Size: 6 sizes (XS - XXL)
  • Supported eastward-volume formats: EPUB, PDF, Microsoft Give-and-take, TXT, RTF, BBeB
  • Supported audio formats: MP3, AAC
  • Color: Silver only
  • Wireless: 3G, Wi-Fi, Web Browser

2009 Models (Discontinued tardily 2010) [edit]

Pocket Edition PRS-300 [edit]

The PRS-300 was launched in Baronial 2009 and it is also known as the "Pocket Edition". The PRS-300 was appear at the aforementioned time as the touch-screen PRS-600. Information technology is Sony'south smallest ever ereader as well as its entry-level device, priced at United states of america$199. It has a smaller screen than the PRS-600, no touch interface, no MP3 sound or expandable memory. Information technology has a similar interface to the PRS-500 and PRS-505.


  • Display: v inch.
  • Resolution: 600 × 800 pixels
  • Dimensions LxWxD (approx.): 6 1four × 4 aneiv × 13/32 inches (approx. 159×108×10 mm)
  • Weight (approx.): 220 g (vii.76 oz)
  • Gray calibration: 8-levels grey scale
  • Internal Retentiveness: 512MiB, 440MiB accessible
  • Font Size: 3 adjustable font sizes
  • Bombardment: Sealed internal, up to two weeks of reading on a single charge
  • MSRP: US$150
  • Available example colors:
    • PRS-300BC: Navy Blue
    • PRS-300RC: Rose Pink
    • PRS-300SC: Argent

Touch Edition PRS-600 [edit]

The PRS-600 was launched in Baronial 2009 and it is also known as the "Bear upon Edition". The PRS-600 was announced at the aforementioned time as the non-impact-screen PRS-300. It is Sony's eye-Range device and it priced at US$299. It is the replacement for the PRS-700 model (although it is missing the front-light feature). It is Sony'south higher-calibration, touch-screen edition of the ereader. Information technology has a like interface to the PRS-700. Unlike the PRS-700 which was only available in black, the PRS-600 is bachelor in iii colors. Note if the device is locked, using the optional 4 digit pivot it volition non mountain via USB, the lock option needs to be disabled in order to mountain the device.

This edition has been criticized for having a very reflective screen, making it hard to read unless it is angled simply right in relation to the light sources.[13]

This edition offers the possibility to highlight, quote or underline the text you are reading. Moreover, it comes with features such every bit Music player via a jack.


  • Size: 175.three × 121.9 × 10.2mm (half dozen.9" × iv.8" × 0.4")
  • Weight: 286 g (ten.1 oz)
  • Display: half dozen inch. bear on-screen
  • Resolution: 600 × 800 pixels
  • Document Search Capability
  • Built-in Dictionary: American Oxford and English language Oxford
  • eBook support extension
  • DRM Text : ePub (Adobe DRM protected), PDF (Adobe DRM protected), BBeB Book (PRS DRM protected)
  • Unsecured Text : ePub, BBeB Book, PDF5, TXT, RTF, Microsoft Word (Conversion to the Reader requires Word installed on your PC)
  • Gray calibration: 8-levels gray scale
  • Internal Retention: 512MB, 380MB attainable
  • Expanded Retentivity: Support for Sony Memory Stick Pro DUO and SDHC upwards to @16 Gb
  • Font Size: 5 adaptable font sizes
  • Battery: Sealed internal, up to ii weeks of reading on a single charge
  • MSRP: US$170
  • Available case colors:
    • PRS-600BC: Black
    • PRS-600SC: Silver
    • PRS-600RC: Red

Daily Edition PRS-900 [edit]

The PRS-900 was launched in December 2009 and information technology is likewise known every bit the "Daily Edition". The PRS-900 was appear at the aforementioned time every bit the touch-screen PRS-300. It is Sony's Tiptop of the Range device and it priced at United states$399. The device has a larger brandish (7"), 16-levels of grayscale, touch screen and 3G wireless admission (through AT&T Mobility in a fashion similar to the Kindle'due south whispernet) which enables computer-free admission to the Sony eBookstore in the U.s.a.. Similar earlier Sony Readers the brandish tin be oriented horizontally, enabling a landscape style mode, and adds a new mode displaying 2 portrait-style pages side-by-side (in a like style to viewing a book).


  • Size: 206.4 × 127 × xv.1 mm (8.1" × 5" × 0.6")
  • Weight: 360 g (12.75 oz)
  • Display: seven.ane inch impact-screen
  • Resolution: 600 × 1024 pixels
  • Gray scale: 16-levels grayness scale
  • Internal Memory: 2 GiB, GiB attainable
  • Expanded Memory: support for Sony Memory Stick Pro DUO and SDHC up to 32 GiB.[14] Co-ordinate to Sony, it can have up to a 32 GiB Memory Stick. Just, according to its manual, 32 GiB memory sticks are not guaranteed to work. Therefore, it is recommended to use 16 GiB retentiveness sticks.
  • Font Size: half-dozen adjustable font sizes
  • Battery: user replaceable, up to 2 weeks of reading on a single charge
  • Wireless: AT&T 3G wireless (free), access to eBook store just, no Spider web browser
  • MSRP: United states of america$250
  • Available case colors: PRS-900: blackness

2008 Model (Discontinued late 2009) [edit]

PRS-700 [edit]

The PRS-700 without a cover.

The PRS-700 was launched in October 2008, it has a touchscreen that tin can be used as a virtual keyboard. It became available in the U.S. in November 2008 at a MSRP of $399; in April 2009 information technology was selling for $349.99. Unlike Sony's LIBRIé, a close cousin of the Sony Reader, the PRS-500 and PRS-505 offered no way for the user to comment a digital book since those lack a keyboard. This was addressed by the release of the PRS-700. Improvements of PRS-700 vs. the PRS-505 include the following:

  • The 6-inch E Ink display (same resolution every bit before) is now a bear upon screen, removing the demand for the ten side buttons.
  • Note taking and virtual keyboard, made possible by the touch screen.
  • Page turning buttons remain but can also be accomplished by touch screen gestures.
  • LED lighting for utilize in poor lighting conditions.
  • Internal storage is doubled to 512 MB.[15]

PRS-700 specifications

  • Size: Approx. 174.3 × × ix.vii mm (half-dozen 79 " × 5 ane9 " × 0.4")
  • Weight: 283.5 g (ten oz)
  • Brandish:
    • size: xv.five cm (vi in) diagonal (approx 1/iv area of letter-sized folio)
    • resolution: 170 dpi, 8-level gray calibration
    • integrated touchscreen
  • Memory: 512 MB standard (350 eBooks at ane.2 MB each average, 420 MB available), Sony Retentivity Stick Pro Duo 8 GB, SDHC card expansion up to 32 GB
  • Lithium-ion bombardment, upwards to 7500 "page turns" per charge
  • PC Interface: USB port ii.0
  • Built-in LED reading light

2007 Model (Discontinued late 2009) [edit]

PRS-505 [edit]

PRS-505 silverish (without cover)

PRS-505 in its leather cover

Underside of the device, showing the USB and charging ports, headphone output, and volume rocker switch

The PRS-505 was launched on ii October 2007, a software and hardware updated version of the PRS-500 Reader, which information technology replaced. The 505 keeps the six" E Ink display of the original Reader, but uses an improved version of E Ink Vizplex imaging moving-picture show with faster refresh time, brighter white land, and 8-level grayscale.

The PRS-505 is thinner than its predecessor (8 mm vs. 13 mm) and comes with more than internal memory (256 MiB vs. 64 MiB).

Other new product features included auto-synchronization to a folder on a host PC, support for the USB Mass Storage Device profile, and total USB charging capability (the PRS-500 could simply exist recharged via USB if the battery was not fully drained, and if the Sony Connect Reader software was installed on the host PC). Also, calculation books to "Collections" (a feature to organize and group book titles) is now possible on the storage card, unlike the PRS-500 model.

Version 1.1 firmware, bachelor as a free download since July 24, 2008 adds support for the EPUB format, Adobe Digital Editions i.5 and Adobe DRM protected PDF files, automatic reflow of PDF files formatted for larger pages enlarges the text to better readability, and back up for loftier chapters SDHC memory cards.[16]


  • Size: 175 × 122 × eight mm (half-dozen.ix" × 4.8" × 0.3")
  • Weight: 250 grand (ix oz)
  • Display:
    • size: 15.5 cm (half-dozen in) diagonal (approx one/4 expanse of letter of the alphabet-sized page)
    • resolution: 170 dpi, 8-level gray scale
    • portrait: ninety.6 × 122.4 mm (iii.57" × 4.82"), 600 × 800 pixels | effective 88.2 × 115.4 mm (iii.47 × iv.54 in), 584 × 754 pixels | for the Pictures application constructive resolution is 600 × 766 pixels
    • minimum font size: six pt legible, 7 pt recommended
  • Memory: 256 MiB standard (200 MiB accessible), Sony Retentiveness Stick Pro Duo eight GiB, SD carte du jour up to 2 GiB (some non-SDHC four GiB cards may work), or upward to 32 GiB with SDHC cards and version one.ane firmware
  • Lithium-ion battery, up to 6800 "page turns" per charge
  • PC interface: USB port 2.0
  • Available instance colors:
    • PRS505/LC: Dark Blue
    • PRS505/SC: Silver
    • PRS505SC/JP: Custom Peel (James Patterson Special Edition)
    • PRS505/RC: Sangria Red (introduced in August 2008)

2006 Model (Discontinued tardily 2007) [edit]

PRS-500 [edit]

Launched in September 2006, it has a six-inch E Ink display from and is 13 mm thick. In that location is an internal retentiveness of 64 MiB. This model was superseded past the PRS-505 in 2007.

On Nov sixteen, 2009, Sony announced that a firmware update is available to owners of the original PRS-500. This update "will permit your PRS-500 to support the ePub and Adobe DRM format and add together the power to re-catamenia PDF documents". Owners must ship the ereader in to the Sony Service Centers for the updated firmware.[17]


  • Size: 175.6 × 123.half-dozen × xiii.8 mm (half-dozen.nine" × 4.9" × 0.5")
  • Weight: 250 grand (ix oz)
  • Display:
    • size: 15.5 cm (vi in) diagonal (approx 1/4 area of letter of the alphabet-sized page)
    • resolution: 170 dpi, 4-level grey calibration
    • portrait: ninety.half dozen × 122.four mm (3.57" × 4.82"), 600 × 800 px | effective 115.iv × 88.2 mm (4.54 × 3.47 in), 754 × 584 px
    • minimum font size: six pt legible, 7 pt recommended
  • Retentiveness: 64 MiB standard, Retention Stick (Pro Duo High Speed not supported. Normal memory sticks are only supported upward to 4 GiB, despite Sony compatibility claims[18]) or SD menu expansion up to ii GiB (some non-SDHC 4 GiB cards may work)
  • Lithium-ion battery, upwardly to 7500 "page turns" per charge
  • PC interface: USB port

2004 Model [edit]

Sony Librie EBR-1000EP [edit]

Launched in Apr 2004, information technology has a vi-inch E Ink display and a Qwerty keyboard that was released in Nippon.[19]


  • Brandish: 6-inch screen with a resolution of 600x800 dots at 170dpi
  • 10 MB, Memory Stick support
  • Size 126mm ten 190mm x 13mm
  • Weight: 300 g

Formats supported [edit]

DRM-free Text: BBeB Book (LRF), TXT, RTF, EPUB (PRS-T1: EPUB, PDF, TXT simply). Typefaces in PDF files formatted for 216 × 280 mm (8.5 × 11 inch) pages may be too small to read comfortably. Such files can be reformatted for the Reader screen size with Adobe Acrobat Professional, but non past Adobe Reader software. The Reader does back up Microsoft Discussion DOC format. The 'CONNECT Reader' application uses Discussion to convert the .Doctor files to RTF before sending them to the Reader.

DRM-protected Text: BBeB Book (LRX); ePub.

Audio: MP3 and DRM-gratis AAC (except on the PRS-T2, PRS-300 & PRS-350)

Image: JPEG, GIF, PNG, and BMP (Loading an animated GIF volition freeze the Reader)

RSS: Limited to 20 featured blogs such as Engadget and Wired, no power to add others and no auto-update (equally of 2006-12-01)

The Reader supported TXT and RTF documents with Latin character set only. Other character sets (such as Cyrillic, for example) are not displayed correctly, but Cyrillic patches are bachelor for Russian (and Bulgarian) users (run into the site [1]). Sony Customer Support have confirmed that units sold in the United states of america only work with Latin characters (equally of 2007-03-02).

On Baronial 13, 2009, Sony announced that by the end of 2009, it would only sell EPUB books from the Sony Reader Store, and would have dropped its proprietary DRM entirely in favor of Adobe'south CS4 server side re-create protection.[twenty]

Official software [edit]

MS Windows [edit]

Sony Reader came bundled with Sony'south proprietary software called Sony Reader Library (or formerly eBook Library and Sony Connect). It requires MS Windows XP or college (MS Windows Vista or vii), an 800 MHz processor, 128 MB of RAM, and 20 MB of hard disk space. This software does not work on the 64-bit versions of MS Windows XP. 64-bit MS Windows Vista and 7 is supported since Sony eBook Library version 2.v for all merely the 500 models.[21]

In Feb 2014 Sony Reader announced that they were transferring content to the Kobo Store. In March 2014 the Sony Reader store was closed and business relationship holders received an e-mail with a link that enabled them to transfer their library to Kobo. About titles transferred; however, some were not able to be transferred even though the titles were sold on Kobo; the transfer period concluded in May.[22]

Apple Mac OS X [edit]

Sony released an official Apple tree Mac Bone 10 client for the Reader with the release of the PRS-300 and PRS-600. It is reported to work with the PRS-505, PRS-700, Reader Pocket Edition and Reader Touch Edition. The software now works under x.7 Lion.[23]

Linux and other OS [edit]

Sony eBook Library was non officially supported on Linux-based systems or other operating systems, although when the device is connected it grants access to its internal flash retention and any memory carte slots as though they were USB Mass Storage devices (on all models except PRS-500s that take not received the free EPUB upgrade from Sony), allowing the user to transfer files directly. Run across the Third party tools section below for a third-party software utility that provides comprehensive back up for MS Windows, Apple tree Mac Bone X, and Linux. Notation if the device is locked, using the optional four digit pivot it volition not mountain via USB, the lock option needs to be disabled in social club to mount the device.

3rd political party tools [edit]

Several third-party tools be for the Sony Reader. For case, the PRS Browser for Apple Mac Bone X from Docudesk allows Apple Macintosh users to manage content on the Sony Reader. Users can also apply the free software library and utility chosen Calibre to communicate with the Reader and manage their digital library. Calibre tin catechumen many ebook formats too as collate multiple HTML pages into a single ebook file with an automatically generated table of contents. Calibre can also manage RSS subscriptions, including scheduled pushes of newsfeeds to the reader. It has both a command line and graphical interface, and is bachelor for MS Windows, Apple tree Mac OS X and Linux. Calibre notably does not offering MS Windows 64-chip support for the PRS-500 model either.

Specialized on notes, annotations, bookmarks and other input by the user, noteworks allows for listing, exporting and other handling of this data, extracted from the device.[24]

In addition, Adobe Digital Editions tin can deliver DRM-locked PDF and ePub documents to the PRS-350, PRS-505 and PRS-700. The software is officially bachelor for Windows and Mac Bone. It can exist run on Linux using Wine. After activating the reader on an officially supported platform, DRM-locked media can exist downloaded and transferred to the reader on Linux as well.[25]

Alternative firmware [edit]

PRS+ [edit]

PRS+ projection seamlessly integrates into Sony UI and adds support for binder browsing, lexicon, key binding, book history, custom epub styles, games (Sudoku, Chess, Mahjong, etc.), localization (Catalan, German language, Czech, English, French, Georgian, Russian, Spanish, and Simplified Chinese) and has built in fb2 to EPUB converter.[26]

Ebook applications [edit]

Runs as an independent awarding. Adds back up for FB2 / CBR / CBZ formats, drops support for LRF. Currently in beta country.[27]

Internal OS [edit]

The PRS-T1, PRS-T2 and PRS-T3 run a heavily modified version of the Android operating system, which Sony mentions in the Legal Notices installed on the device. Its predecessors run the MontaVista Linux Professional Edition operating organization with Kinoma FSK, a JavaScript virtual automobile, optimized for devices with express resources.[28]

Sales [edit]

In Dec 2008, Sony disclosed that information technology had sold 300,000 units of its Reader Digital Book globally since the device launched in October 2006.[29] According to an IDC study from March 2011, sales for all e-book readers worldwide grew to 12.8 million in 2010; 800,000 of those were Sony Readers.[30]

See also [edit]

  • Comparison of e-book readers
  • Amazon Kindle
  • Barnes & Noble Nook
  • Calibre – an open up source 3rd party software to manage digital library with support of conversion betwixt common eastward-volume formats. Created originally for Sony east-readers, it supports over 30 different brands and types of readers.
  • Kobo eReader
  • OverDrive, Inc. – ebook borrowing services for public libraries
  • Tablet computer

References [edit]

  1. ^ "Sony LIBRIe – The outset ever E-ink e-book Reader". Mobile magazine. 2004-03-25. Retrieved 21 March 2013.
  2. ^ "Sony Reader Shop will be coming to French republic, Italy and Spain starting in Spring 2012" (press release). Sony. 2011-09-01.
  3. ^ Digital Library Reserve, OverDrive, archived from the original on 2010-12-25, retrieved 2010-09-27 , provides lending services for ebooks from over nine,000 libraries worldwide .
  4. ^ Information technology's Official – the Sony Reader is Kaput
  5. ^ "Sony Digital Paper". August seven, 2014.
  6. ^ "Sony officially unveils new Readers, drops price of e-books". C net. 2009-08-04. Retrieved 2009-08-04 .
  7. ^ "Extra, Extra: Sony's daily edition rounds out new line of digital readers". Sony. 2009-08-25. Retrieved 2009-08-25 .
  8. ^ "Sony launches two new ereaders, announces REDgroup partnership". Bookseller+publisher Online. 2010-09-08.
  9. ^ "Sony Reader Wi-Fi (PRS-T1) appear at IFA, Harry Potter edition promised". Pocket-lint. 2011-08-31.
  10. ^ "Sony Reader gets a new blueprint, Facebook & Evernote integration and a free Harry Potter book for $129". Engadget . Retrieved 2012-08-17 .
  11. ^ "Sony PRS‐T3". Gdgt. .
  12. ^ "Sony to shut Reader store and move users to Kobo's eastward-book platform in 'late March'". .
  13. ^ Cloninger, Janet (2009-09-07). "Sony PRS-600 Touch Edition Reader Review". The Gadgeteer . Retrieved 2010-05-22 .
  14. ^ "Way". Sony.
  15. ^ "PRS-700BC". SonyStyle The states. Sony. Retrieved 2009-07-22 .
  16. ^ "Reader PRS-505 System Firmware Update". Sony. Retrieved 2012-08-17 .
  17. ^ Update your PRS-500 Reader, Sony, archived from the original on Jan seven, 2010, retrieved November 18, 2009 .
  18. ^ "Sony Reader PRS500 express support for 4 GiB SD-cards and memory sticks". AFmag. 2007-07-03. Archived from the original on 2007-09-27. Retrieved 2008-07-30 .
  19. ^ Library without books The Guardian April 22, 2004.
  20. ^ "Sony to dump proprietary DRM in eBooks". 13 August 2009. Retrieved 2010-01-25 .
  21. ^ "eBook Library Supports 64-chip Windows Vista". Sony. 2008-08-08. Retrieved 2009-02-11 .
  22. ^ Readers Written report that eBooks, Credits Aren't Transferring From Sony to Kobo
  23. ^ "Download", Ebook shop, Sony, archived from the original on 2012-07-30, retrieved 2012-08-29 .
  24. ^ "noteworks – manage your notes on the Sony PRS-T1". The media host. DE.
  25. ^ "Re: how practise I re-create my DRM books from adobe DE to my eBook" (forum). Adobe. 22 February 2010. Retrieved 2012-08-17 .
  26. ^ "Demo", PRS+ Project (You lot tube) .
  27. ^ Ebook Applications .
  28. ^ "How Sony failed to Connect, again".
  29. ^ -Christopher Lawton (Dec iii, 2008). "Turns Out Sony E-Book Readers Sell Later on All". The Wall street journal. Archived from the original on 2009-03-01. Retrieved 2012-08-17 .
  30. ^ "Almost xviii Million Media Tablets Shipped in 2010 with Apple tree Capturing 83% Share; eReader Shipments Quadrupled to More Than 12 Meg" (press release). IDC. Archived from the original on 2012-11-13. Retrieved 2012-08-17 .

External links [edit]

  • "Reader", Learning center (product page), Sony, archived from the original on 2006-10-07 .
  • SONY Digital Reader
  • "Web Reader", Products (spider web app), NZ: Web gear, archived from the original on 2013-02-08 .

Sony Reader Software Download Old Version



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